all such settlements are unlawful. the bill sets forth the criteria that a court may use to determine whether to uphold a settlement. however the validity of the underlying patent is not one of those specified criteria. also the bill dramatically reduces the ability of companies to settle these cases. if the parties cannot agree on a date of entry into the market, then in many cases they would effectively be forced to litigate the case. this means that the entry of the generic into a particular drug market could be clayed delayed significantly. the majority of federal courts including the second 11th and d.c. circuit have upheld the validity of these settlements. congress should uphold a well-reasoned judgment of these courts. innovative new drugs, after all, are created in the laboratory, not in the courtroom. i urge my colleagues to reject this attempt to legislate an unrelated domestic issue on a bill that is intended to pay for our troops overseas. mr. speaker, i yield
there is a lot of fans that read wired but even then when we added the board and pick the six popular ones and then added for titles to sort of introduce some diversity into a list of finalists, people still a broad group of people really decided they wanted gail s look and they think that anything anyone read in high school or college, people didn t necessarily want to read a project. they wanted to read something new. what is the process here? had people already started reading american gods? good heavens, yes. we have a lot of traffic. at least as successful as they could have wished, probably more. in fact, we are as they keep saying this is one big experiment. one book, one twitter, one big experiment. if no one has ever tried to conduct a global book club before and it is so international that there is no inactivity overnight, because that is when all the people, everywhere from india to poland are reading the book and reading about it or goes so, it is what we ha