Alexander Dixon Blaw was a veteran of World War II. Photo: Jim Nicholls
News Jim Nicholls
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MEMBERS of the Laidley RSL Sub Branch joined with family and friends on April 7 to farewell Alexander (Alex) Dixon Blaw. A veteran of the Second World War, Mr Blaw saw active service in New Guinea in 1943 and, while still a member of the Australian Imperial Force, served with the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan until January 1947. He was born on May 5, 1924 at home in St Lucia, Brisbane.
His family moved house several times around the northern suburbs before purchasing a home in Windsor.
“People should keep an eye in the sky for soaring falcons, fiery dragons, enormous suns, an astronaut and a sea of whales,” Adam says. “In Ashburton we have the factory which makes the largest kites in the world. There’s a series of whales and a blue whale with a little baby.”
Fresh from the recent Nelson kite festival, Christchurch s Julie Adam, takes a kite for a spin on New Brighton Beach. After decades of wear and tear from flying enormous and heavy kites, Adam now favours “stingers”. “The public won’t know the difference, but they fly on their own without needing a pilot kite to lift them,” she says.