A Seattle-area lighting manufacturer has entered the market with a line of UV lighting products that it says can kill viruses and keep people safe — just as…
5 Things You Must Know About Safeology
05/04/21 AT 8:01 AM Safeology specializes in using UVC technology to make products that help stop the spread of disease-causing pathogens. safeology.com
More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear science is our best bet to find a solution to beat the virus.
Science has taught us what COVID-19 is, how it spreads, how to treat it and how to potentially minimize serious complications and even deaths. Science has enabled humans to find the best response to the pandemic in the hopes of finally putting an end to the year-long nightmare. Among the many scientific breakthroughs and discoveries, one that deserves a closer look is UVC technology, which has been used by hospitals for over a century to disinfect surfaces and air from harmful and deadly pathogens.
Day: April 21, 2021
Don Surber: Don’t mess with Lawrence Welk:
Welk was a hard-working, intelligent man who ran a music and real estate empire with a fourth-grade education.
In his obituary, The Sun said, “In 1956, ABC-TV broadcast Mr. Welk from coast to coast, and for the ensuing 16 years the Welk show missed only one week in the aftermath of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.
“ABC finally dropped the show in 1971, deciding that Mr. Welk’s audience was too old to attract commercial sponsors looking for a more youthful and affluent market. His sponsors at the time reflected Mr. Welk’s demographics: Geritol and Sominex.
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Five thoughts Under Other Fedora’s: Surber on Welk, Pirates Cove on Features vs Bugs Gateway Pundit on Audits, Granite Grok on Sunlight and Motus AD on it’s lack
Don Surber: Don’t mess with Lawrence Welk:
Welk was a hard-working, intelligent man who ran a music and real estate empire with a fourth-grade education.
In his obituary, The Sun said, “In 1956, ABC-TV broadcast Mr. Welk from coast to coast, and for the ensuing 16 years the Welk show missed only one week in the aftermath of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.