Santa Clarita Water To Hold Virtual Public Meeting To Address Saugus Formation Aquifer
A virtual meeting is scheduled to be held by the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) to discuss the Saugus Formation Aquifer and related public health concerns.
Santa Clarita Valley residents are invited to attend SCV Water’s latest virtual public discussion on Thursday, Feb. 11, regarding general questions over drinking water safety and the Saugus Formation Aquifer.
“This meeting is part (of) the Agency’s 30-day public comment period (ending Feb. 24, 2021) on the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) document, as well as the associated Community Involvement Plan (CIP),” reads a statement issued by SCV Water. “This is a required step in the process to implement further treatment and seek funding reimbursement from potentially responsible parties.”
SCV Water Seeks Public Input On Removal of Hazardous Material In Water Wells
The Santa Clarita Water Agency (SCV Water) is asking for the public’s input on the Engineering Evaluation Cost Analysis (EE/CA) of removing perchlorate and volatile substances from the Saugus Formation Aquifer, officials said Tuesday.
As part of this effort, SCV Water is seeking input on the removal of these substances during a 30-day public comment period from Jan. 26 to Feb. 24, 2021, according to officials.
The public is invited to review and comment on the EE/CA, which is dated January 2021 regarding SCV Water’s proposed Non-Time Critical Removal Action (NTCRA) for the Saugus Formation Aquifer and the associated Community Involvement Plan (CIP), according to officials.