Peshmerga. So, there was a unity and continues to be, for the most part, i think, on this particular issue, but at the same time, there are questions about and keep hearing them, are we doing enough, you know, is is this policy of what appears be to be sort of mission creep, where we dribble in additional troops bit by bit is that the most effective way going about it . Another issue that has been there for this administration, previous ones, is middle east, the peace process, jerusalem, excuse me, israel and palestinian conflict, we are seeing violence again yesterday in jerusalem at that synagogue. Secretary of state john kerry quick to condemn the attacks and call on the Palestinian Leader to do so as well. Did he, but then also said, blamed israeli provocations. Where do you think this is headed . Tough in east and west jerusalem, there arent really any barriers and this was apparently, you know, conducted by israeli arabs. Suddenly, theres a sense among israelising we have the ene