A tube to reopen an airway he then performed c. P. R. For twenty straight minutes during the Ground Transport and maintained artificial respiration through two and a half hours and through emergency surgery kenton stacy would have died. If it were not for justins Selfless Love for his fellow warrior tonight kenton is recovering in texas rocca is liberated and justin is wearing his new bronze star with a v. For valor Staff Sergeant heck all of the illinois. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil. When possible. We have no choice but to annihilate them when necessary we must be able to detain and question them. But we must be clear. Terrorists are not merely criminals they are unlawful enemy combatants thad. And when captured overseas they should be treated like the terrorists they are in the past we have fullish lee released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous terrorists. Only to meet them again on the battlefield including the is
Previous administration comfort thank you our plan those who meet education and work requirements and show good moral character will be able to become full citizens of the United States over a twelve year period thank. The second pillar fully secures the border thank you that means building a great wall on the southern border and it means hiring more heroes like c. J. To keep our communities safe thank you crucially our plant closes the terrible loopholes exploited by criminals and terrorists to enter our country and it finally ends the horrible and dangerous practice of catch and release thanks Steve Moore Berg whats going to happen will the conservatives give the president what hes asking for tonight on immigration because if he can get a enough support on the on the republican side to go down the road a citizenship theres no reason why the democrats wouldnt go along with it as i see it i think its going to be a tough sell on the house. You know the conservative caucus and the people
Who are still here to fight and serve us and protect us. Remember congress decided shortly after world war i, to decide that the 11th day, the day that the armistice was signed, the 11th of november, the 11th hour, 11 00 in the morning, would be the time to pay tribute to the veterans. So were all going to toll that bell one more time to give thanks to our veterans for all theyve done for us, for all they will do for us in the future. You know, its b its best when you talk about veterans, to talk about them of the people they were, the people they are, whether they are alive or passed on. I want to talk about two veterans whose paths crossed my life, to point out why we owe them so much and we have so much to be thankful for. One of them is Jackson Elliott cox, iii, of bird county, which is the bird dog capital of america. Its the home of a Nuclear Power plant. Its a beautiful rural county in georgia. Jack was my best friend in college. We met in 1962. We graduated in 1966. Ill never f
House and we were the First Committee to have airing on the scandal. They were the seventhlargest corporation in america and had been pictured in newsmagazines, all of the leaders of enron. It was voted the best company to work for, the company of the 21st century, on and on, and a lot of people bought stock. Most people who were selling stock were brokers and if they did not recommend enron could sued could probably get for malpractice. It was a very popular company and early in 2001 they came out with what they called the strongest code of ethics of any company in the history of america. By that summer, they have filed a restatement of earnings and by december it filed bankruptcy. Our committee, we were in a lameduck session, we had the first hearing on enron and we came back early in 2002 and introduced the corporate accounting billet he carta. Ability that was something clever they thought of, like magna charta. We had passed the legislation. If you recall on will calm, they really
A him andnd a vulnerable loan child refugees. But then mps accuse the government of backtracking. Can explain why they exclude children of 16 and 17 years old given the recognition that they are still children and still vulnerable. We want to address the children that the dutch amendment suggests. Those are children 15 and below his nationality puts them in Refugee Status and who are at high risk of sexual exploitation. Children are at risk of all kinds of exploitation. It could be trafficking, forced labor and slavery. But this government does not care. The reason that we do not consider children after the 20th of march is quite simple. We do not want to introduce a factor to encourage parents to make this journey across the zahara and the mediterranean. Youre watching westminster interview with me. Still to come, can mps were together to handle the health care crisis. As the year drew to a close, there were increasingly vocal calls for the government to do more to help civilians trap