says democrats are party of compassion look at what is going on the border and that shows it is not truce, facts based against rhetoric and rhetoric from them and facts from us. todd: running out of ways to say this is sad and horrible. it is horrible. no one safe, not even celebrities, hack saw jim huggins. carley: in new york city, repeat offender is all smiles. joe borelli joins us next.
Kerry McQuisten has met many thousands of Oregonians during her campaign to be the state’s next governor, a blur of faces and handshakes and forums and events in each of
Kerry McQuisten has met many thousands of Oregonians during her campaign to be the state’s next governor, a blur of faces and handshakes and forums and events in each of
Kerry McQuisten has met many thousands of Oregonians during her campaign to be the state’s next governor, a blur of faces and handshakes and forums and events in each of