Possibly a shower or two tonight tomorrow after a healthy graphics. Wx timer 40 a sixyearold boy in chicago accidentally kills his little brother. Police say the boy found a loaded handgun, saturday night. Andrew spencer reports the father of the two boys is now in jail. Father, michael santiago, had left a loaded handgun on top of the refrigerator. The sixyear old got ahold of it while the two boys were playing and shot and killed his threeyearold brother. Lasalle says the older boy may not fully understand what ened. israel l lsalle grandfdfher of eian santiago theres not a safe place that you can put a gun where a kid cant rech it or cant find it. israel lasalle grandfather of eian santiago you know how kids are. They get into everything. Prosecutors say santiago is a former gang member, who obtained the gun illegally. His family says he was at work, saturday ght, when thhshooting happened. Hes now in jail, charged with child endangerment resulting in the death of his young son. Im
It is always funny and sad reading reports from the Chronicle of Higher Education, and now, drum roll, a 26-page report: A ‘Stunning’ Level of Student Disconnection Professors are reporting record numbers of students checked out, stressed out, and unsure of their future. In 20 years of teaching at Doane University, Kate Marley has never seen anything
February 22, 2021 7:08 PM Emily Blume
SPOKANE, Wash. Monday evening, we’re bracing for high winds and just weeks after a deadly windstorm, some people are on high alert. Fortunately, winds this time around shouldn’t be as threatening as what we saw before but regardless, it’s a good time to evaluate the trees in your area.
Comstock Park was one of the hardest hit locations in last month’s big wind storm.
Most trees in our area have evolved to withstand winds of 40 mph or 50 mph, similar to what we anticipate Monday night. However, back in January, winds reached nearly 70 mph in some areas. Registered Consulting Arborist, Jim Flott, tell us this was likely because it was an unprecedented weather event.