democracy and now through all of these ears. years. i tell you, commercial newsrooms in america today, there is nothing but pessimism and fear. in the noncommercial and community press, there is hope, there is a sense that change can be made. there s a sense that you can make a difference, that your journalism matters and i think that is, that in itself shows you as a great singer said, which way the wind is blowing. [applause] well the book is called news for all the people the epic story of race and american media also special thanks to diana and dennis moynahan who will coordinate the whole journey that joe and juan are being too going to ban. when you think about the holidays think about the gift technology can give to someone to understand how the media system developed in this country and never forget your local library and how important it is to keep these public spaces alive, and tune into democracy now every day. it is all over the country on television and rad