democrats on the national level have decided to run this year. it s true wildly different campaigns. in the alaska race scott mcadams is a huge underdog against republican joe miller and probably even against the potential write-in candidacy of lisa murkowski. even in delaware chris koons is in a totally different race with totally different expectations but the campaigns look pretty much exactly the same. here is what it looks like on the republican side in delaware. you have republican candidate christine o donnell just like joe miller touting the endorsements of, again, all sorts of national conservatives. people like south carolina senator jim demitt. former alaska governor sarah palin, the conservative organization the family research council which is based, i think, in michigan and in washington, d.c. also there s conservative commentator eric erickson again who, as best i can tell, lives on cnn. during the republican primary look at this. this is the breakdown of where
it happens. which political story will be making headlines in the next 24 hours? chris cillizza and author of the fix blog jins me now. let me guess, igchris. tomorrow is a big primary day. i dare say we talk about it. just by osmosis you know all this because you sit so close tn chuck for an hour every morning, but, yes, hugeprimary day. the last one is hawaii on saturday. i never forget hawaii. but there are a lot of races going on. the one that has a lot of attention is delaware. mike castle. he s been a congressman since 1992. he s been in office for delaware for 40 years. it looked like he would win the republican primary. low and behold, christine o donnell, the nominee in 2006 and 2008. she s running again in 2010. guess who is supporting her? none other than sarah palin and jim demitt, the south carolina
egg on their face in a state where republicans had been making all the news. so now he moves on at the big show and goes up against a guy who has been at the big show for a while. republican jim demitt. are these two going to be debating? is he going to crisscross the state? and does quite frankly he have a chance? probably not much of a chance. demitt is a very popular conservative in a state where runs dominate on the statewide level. so if it wasn t allen greene, if it was somebody else the democrats may have had a chance. probably not. the democrats are trying to scratch their head and figure out what to do now. some democrats are trying to look for another candidate, maybe have that candidate run as an independent. once again, t.j., south carolina is giving us a fascinating political story. you know, again, this segment could have been shortened by just saying south carolina. thank you, paul. thank you.