Jim Culhane is President & CEO of Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice People who know me have heard me voice significant concerns about Medicare Advantage plans. From a consumer perspective, there is a significant lack of transparency of what many plans.
It was another strong showing for Kerry students from schools all over the county at the annual BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition which took place at the RDS in Dublin over the weekend.
Lori Safford’s adult sons, Sam, 25, and Ben, 27, have Duchenne muscular dystrophy, an incurable muscle-weakening disease that was diagnosed when they were 4 and 6 years old.
Jim Culhane of Henniker is the president & CEO of Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice. The healthcare system, as we know it, is moving toward collapse. I know this sounds shocking, but to people in the industry, and to many people who have accessed.
The winners of the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023 were announced yesterday.11 Kerry students took home prizes. Jim Culhane and Paula- Eve Culha.