whether he was under investigation or not. depending on the answers we get from jim comey, i think we ll know whether bob mueller is going to investigate not just what happened in 2016 with respect to the election, but whether the president committed obstruction of justice. and that won t be a political problem. it won t be a p.r. problem for the white house. that will be a serious legal problem that is in fact, that is what director mueller does. a mshlman, i want to get bac the attorney general jeff sessions. do you have any information about whether or not he is out of favor with the president? i know what the the new york times is reporting. they say the president is very upset with him and intermittently so, and because of the fact that he recused himself from the russia investigation. do you have any more information on that? i don t have anything new to add to that today, but what the the new york times is reporting is in fact the decision to recuse himself that really
president of the united states. so, they re considered official statements by the president of the united states. also this morning, news continuing to develop on russian interference. the greatest hoax of all time. we had no dealings in russia. we had no projects in russia. reads and smells like a witch hunt. this was russia. this was an international attempt to impact the elections of the united states of america. the president is expected to be tweeting on thursday in response to comey. he himself wants to be the one driving the process. i don t do witch hunts. i m in this to try to get to the facts. i wish him luck. thank you everybody. president trump says he will not stop tweeting, in fact, he is tweeting about it. the president tweeting early this morning, quote, the fake mainstream media is working so hard trying to get me not to use social media. they hate that i can get the honest and unfiltered message out. actually, some in the media are urging the president
the war room. what happened to the war room? the whole idea of a war room is that you re going to have this unified message. the whole administration is going to be pushing this. trump we just talked about in the earlier panel is he can blow that all up with a tweet. on a whim, he will decide the message is going to be different. so i think that said, maybe there s some idea in the white house that this kind of operation is better done on the outside groups. they already have some super pac, putting up an ad criticizing comey as a grandstander. so, again,he preside will set his own message. whether that s a good thing or not for hi it doesn t matter. i think it s a great idea for the president to outsource this. at least it will divert it won t end the question, but it will divert the questioning so that maybe the president can focus on legislative issues. maybe i m just an optimist. oh, greta, he will be so focused on this because this is personal. i m just wishing. okay. we
simply took off. here is the dodge from white house press secretary sean spicer. can you tell us where the president is going to be and what he s going to be doing thursday at 10:00 a.m., is he going to watch former director comey s testimony up on capitol hill? the president has a full day on thursday. he s giving a speech midday to the faith and freedom coalition downtown. there s going to be a very busy day as all of his days are. look as i just said the president is going to have a very busy day. cnbc s washington correspondent and the reporter who pressed sean spicer on the president s plan for thursday. jeff mason is the white house correspondent for reuters and president of the white house correspondents association. matt miller former justice department spokesperson. aman, first to you. sean spicer dodged it. ordinarily this might not be such an important issue, but this is apparently official communication from the white house. is the president going to tweet or not? w
questions? i know during the clinton white house mike was often out of the loop but that was not such uh bad thing tactically for them. there are different models for press secretaries. some have been senior advisors as well as the communications professional. we saw that with robert gibbs in the obama administration. in the very beginning he was an advisor in addition to being the spokesman. i think sean, and we saw that today, is learning in this job as anybody would in that role, and he just wants to be careful that he doesn t say something he has to pull back from. in that particular or that the president contradicts the next day. indeed. all right, matt, what happens after thursday? i mean, we all have an assumption about what s going to be said by the former director of the fbi. what happens after thursday? i think the big question after thursday is where does bob mueller go. what we re going to find out on thursday is are these reports of the president s interactions