NEW YORK (AP) — Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for two weeks Tuesday as co-host of “The View” because of what the head of ABC News called her “wrong and hurtful
ABC suspends Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks following a discussion on the “The View”, where Goldberg said race was not a factor in the Holocaust. The head of ABC News called her “wrong and hurtful comments.”
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for two weeks Tuesday as co-host of “The View” because of what the head of ABC News called her “wrong and hurtful comments” about Jews and the Holocaust.
The suspension came a day after Goldberg s comment during a discussion on "The View" that race was not a factor in the Holocaust. She later apologized.
The suspension came a day after Goldberg s comment during a discussion on "The View" that race was not a factor in the Holocaust. She later apologized.