Him like that is sickening to my stomach. Difficult to look at the pictures even harder to imagine. Someone intentionally hurting this child. He was able to give an exact name on who did this to him. His exact words was he beat me like a man. Marscels mom saying the suspect is a 21 yearold family friend. One who stepped in to help. When she was extremely ill. Temporarily taking over custody. I felt like i could trust him. Marscel trusted him too he called him daddy or uncle because he really looked up to him and marscel seemed really happy. Did marscel ever say anything that made you question deshaun . Is there anything else you couldve done differently . This single mom of 3 says itll be hard to ever trust anyone again. In the meantime all she wants is custody of her child and justice. Whatever they decide to do like he should be able to get out. The suspect has his 48 hour hearing tomorrow. We have requested the arrest report and to speak with him. S expected to recover. Ms an. Break