Can you know John s visit to the south I believe this visit will be a big step towards the improvement of relations between the 2 Koreas and towards international peace Also today the 2 British men captured in Syria and accused to being part of the notorious ISIS torture and execution cell one of their former captives tells us why they need a fair trial the worst thing we can do with a terrorist is to deprive him from his right because then you make him a terrorist victim Plus growing human eggs to maturity in a lab for the 1st time and how that may help young cancer sufferers all of that after the nice. Hello I m Erin Marshall with the B.B.C. News the Olympic flame is burning at the stadium in Pyongyang after an opening ceremony in which dozens of athletes from North and South Korea March side by side spectators cheered as the contestants paraded under a unified flag among the crowd with the most senior North Korean officials to visit the south since the end of the Korean War more th
And stair as and but they have also provided safe haven to the Taliban al Qaeda and other extremists and that s a volatile recipe because Pakistan has nuclear weapons so how close is a terrorist come to getting one of Pakistan s nukes too close we ll also discuss how Trump s verbal attacks on our intelligence agencies are affecting those agencies. First news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I m Jack Speer just hours before President chomped declared he d love to see a government shutdown if immigration laws are not changed his Pentagon chief had a very different message as N.P.R. s David Welner reports defense secretary Jim Anna s told Congress today how demoralizing another shutdown would be for the Military Defense Secretary Mabus told the House Armed Services Committee the nation s defense is being held hostage by what he called disagreements on domestic policy I cannot overstate the impact to our troops morale from all this uncertainty today as I sit here we are engaged in pr
Increase funding to the u.s. Military and he said the u.s. Nuclear also only has one law using to deter any acts of aggression we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal hopefully never having 2 years but making it so strong and so powerful that it will be terror any acts of aggression by any other nation or anyone else I mean the battle against terrorism groups like Islamic state and al-Qaeda they were Us president said he had directed the u.s. Defense secretary general to masses to look at ways to keep Guantanamo Bay open in the past we have foolishly released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous terror. Only to meet again on the battlefield including the ISIS leader Al Baghdadi who we captured who we had who we released new research suggests the Taliban controls areas of Afghanistan inhabited by 15000000 people the b.b.c. Study reveals the group is now openly active in more than 2 thirds of the country but the b.b.c. Only a trophy believes President sums decision to boost troo
As a speech to Congress. Graham used to be an economic advisor to President George w. Bush he thinks it s going to be an extraordinary address since we ve never had a president who is so divisive and yet the economy is doing incredibly well so we have near record low unemployment near record high employment the Dow is up 30 percent since he came into office Jose makers are being warned they may not be covered for insurance if the policy provider finds they ve been drinking too much alcohol the Financial Ombudsman so the onus is only in show to prove judgments been impaired but in devices drinking moderately his name will hust. The financial services on which investigates consumers complaints says holiday makers should know that claims can be knocked back if they ve been drinking excessively The report talks about one man who needed hospital treatment after a fall in his apartment his insurer refused to pay because doctors found high levels of alcohol in his system but another man who
It s rogue regimes terrorist groups and rivals like China and Russia that challenge. Me and. I am asking Congress to fully fund our great military the American president says one part of the plans already being achieved by increasing troop numbers again in Afghanistan he says focusing on neutralizing the nuclear threat posed by North Korea is another priority we need only look at the deprived character of the North Korean regime to understand the nature of the nuclear threat it could pose to America and. The Democrats response came from Massachusetts Congressman Joseph Kennedy the 3rd a great nephew of President John f. Kennedy their record. To our highest American Ideal the belief that we are all worth reaction to the State of the Union address so far has been largely divided on party political lines Mary Kate Cary is a former speechwriter for President George w. Bush you think you can watch it for 20 minutes. And talk about how great the economy is doing pretty smart so I think the