words as possible. but when it comes to solving problems that drive right leaning americans nuts, will offers little. columns in the past three years and found no proposed solutions to the immigration mess or to the isis terror threat. in that, george will is not alone. republican establishment in washington has not dealt effectively with these and other vexing problems causing great anger among some g.o.p. voters. thus, trump s hard line rhetoric on illegal immigration and jihad has taken root. on the democratic side, things are even worse. since president obama took office in 2008, the party has moved sharply left. in fact, it is almost impossible to be moderate democrat anymore with your party supporting anarchy by supporting sanctuary cities and failing to confront isis in a ways that would crush the savages. why president obama and the establishment seek to contain the jihadiist mass murderers, intelligent
words as possible. but when it comes to solving problems that drive right leaning americans nuts, will offers little. factor has anndp his columns in the past three years and found no proposed solutions to the immigration mess or to the isis terror threat. in that, george will is not alone. republican establishment in washington has not dealt effectively with these and other vexing problems causing great anger among some g.o.p. voters. thus, trump s hard line rhetoric on illegal immigration and jihad has taken root. on the democratic side things are even worse. since president obama took office in 2008 the party has moved sharply left. in fact, it is almost impossible to be moderate democrat anymore with your party supporting anarchy by supporting sanctuary cities and failing to confront isis in a ways that would crush the savages. why president obama and the establishment seek to contain the jihadiist mass murderers, intelligent