thanks, folks at jib jab. here s us. the holiday rock. what fun it is to rap and sing a sleighing song tonight i m in there. fredricka whitfield. t.j. s in there playing the guitar. and you can always make your own jib jab. go to and stick in a few faces. you re all set. looking very cool. as always, all the links are posted for you at my facebook page. t.j., i ll be back a little later in the show with websites to help people who might need to travel today, whether by road, plane, bus, train. they re going to need it today of all times. josh, we appreciate you. we ll talk to you shortly. a lot of people still getting over christmas yesterday. you need to be thinking about something right around the corner, taxes. the tax deadline is coming up. still some months away, but there are some big changes at
i m surprised. you re so funny. just for that she gave me an extra minute. i thought she was going for a zen moment or something, but she went for a rocking moment. i gave you your zen moment yesterday, though. you have something special. i ll bring it back now since there s time. we ll end with us do that holiday rock song, a little jib jab action. everyone loves this. we ve got so many e-mails and about this. reynolds wolf is in there, and fred is slamming at that guitar. she has the full red cap going. i m going a little slash there. t.j. has his lenny kravitz. they mailed this to me. i was going to my mail and found this. i thought i have to share this. now we get around. everything is up at my facebook pace. i want you to see the the lijs
the music. these teachers got some moves. they worked on it secretly. now people are watching online. let me show you a few more holiday oriented videos. this is probably the best christmas lights display in the world set to music. this is out of perth in australia. good for them 65,000 lights synced up to christmas songs there. there s one way people celebrate. here s another way, with alcohol. take a look at this new way to get beer in a cup. it s called bottoms up. you stick it on there, the beer fills from the bottom. it uses a food and drug approved magnet that goes in there. people go wild over this online. very impressive. finally, i m checking my mail. what do i have but a dvd from the folks at jib jab?
to the general public for security reasons. investigating a death of a model at an state in st. louis. she was found dead at the home of the former ceo of the busch brewing empire. there are no signs of trauma. police released new video of a man in a bizarre murder case. the man is dressed in a black coat and knit cap. police want to question him about the death of betty williams. her body, found in a suitcase. she had been strangled. a lot of fun, jib jab.
i was checking my mail, i got dvd s from folks at jib jab. had to share this one with you. here gu, everybody. a good shot of t.j. we got the hair going. i talked to them, they have this just for jib jab. check it out. here are people, a shout out to teachers on christmas, before going to holiday, there is a teacher in washington state that wanted to do this, started dancesal assembly. listen to what happens.