Ear, on Sajid Khan’s birthday, his sister and the famous choreographer and director Farah Khan had posted a throwback picture. Now, it’s Farah Khan’s birthday and Sajid Khan has also posted a throwback video. | Tellychakkar.com
We have seen numerous recordings of these security guards shoving people around to make sure the stars are safe and alright. A similar incident involving a fan attempting to grab photos with Malaika Arora was recently caught on the recording. Now, a similar video has appeared on social media. | Tellychakkar.com
Urvashi Dholakia really gave her best in the show and will be remembered for her remarkable performances but unfortunately in the last episode of the show, Urvashi Dholakia got eliminated and had to say goodbye to the show. | Tellychakkar.com
The actress is not just admired for her acting skills but also loved for her hot and sizzling looks. Fans of the actress always keep an eye on her Instagram account where the actress posts some personal and professional life updates. | Tellychakkar.com