The stock hit a day s high of Rs 267 on BSE and Rs 266.95 on NSE. In the last 5 days of non-stop rally, the stock has rallied over 26%. Waving goodbye to its T2T segment days, JFSL s old 5% price band has been revised to 20% on both exchanges.
JFSL was to exit all S&P BSE indices on August 29, provided it did not hit the lower circuit in a 3-day period. However, now that the stock has hit the lower circuit again on Thursday, the removal date will be deferred again by another three days.
“JFSL will now be removed from all the S&P BSE indices effective prior to the opening of trading on Tuesday, August 29, 2023. Should JFSL continue to hit the lower circuit in the next two days, the removal date will be deferred by another three days,” the index provider said.
After a decent opening at Rs 265 on BSE and Rs 262 on NSE at 10 am, JFSL stock soon fell under selling pressure amid block deals. It ended the day 5% lower at Rs 248.90 on NSE and at Rs 251.75 on BSE.