Are here and helps in any way they can. To pike eleninya, according to pike elenia, according to my desire, according to my desire, i want to, well, see the city, then go ahead, i want winter to become summer, wait, i want to marry the tsars daughter, thats another matter, thats just me, im just getting warmed up, the tsars daughter, this is my fish, at the behest of the pike, at one point connected with the swedes, because he is important, stoltenberg said that the Turkish Parliament should immediately ratify the application. Sweden, this is interference in internal affairs ally, it seems to me, and this cannot be viewed in any other way, but the turks really know how to surprise, because this applies to both palestine and israel, because you know, so you can snake somewhere between yes, and this and that, with these with those , this is such a classic turkish doublechair, like turkey stands for peace. Seems to immediately indicate that the capital is still in jerusalem, yes, i think
Another day, another massive privacy scandal. T-Mobile is purportedly investigating a massive data breach that may have revealed the personal data of more than 100 million subscribers. First reported by Motherboard, the stolen data recently popped up on underground hacker forums, and includes subscriber social security numbers, phone numbers, names, physical addresses, unique IMEI numbers,…