Atheist and anti-theist Bob Seidensticker runs the influential Cross Examined blog. I have critiqued 83 of his articles, (no counter-reply as of yet). He I interact with the reasoning & conclusions of atheist Bob Seidensticker, in the second of three replies dealing with the astronomical evidence for the star of Bethlehem.
(RNS) Prominent Middle East archaeologist Eric Meyers offers a view of Jewish uprisings, including those that followed the Maccabees, and their actual consequences.
Opinion: There are many Israeli Jews that treat Christmas - and worse, Hanukkah and other Jewish holidays - as nice folklore, devoid of national identity; everything is the same, and therefore everything is nothing
Reply to Atheist "Lex Lata" This is a reply to a guest article on Jonathan MS Pearce's atheist blog, by "Lex Lata": a sharp and fairly civil atheist I provide more than fifty massive and multi-faceted evidences in favor of the notion that Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), vs. atheist "Lex Lata."