Betsy Rosenberg
Betsy Rosenberg
April 14, 2021 at 10:11 AM
Betsy Rosenberg, an award-winning national broadcast journalist and a green media trailblazer, will present a fascinating Earth Day program titled Climate Chutzpah: The Jewish Response to Climate Change, on Monday, April 19, at 7 p.m., via Zoom.
The program, which is sponsored by National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), West Morris Section, is free and open to the public. The event is coordinated by the NCJW, West Morris Programming Committee, headed by Debbie Schwartz.
In 1997, Rosenberg created a green news beat. On Earth Day 1997, the eco-journalism pioneer launched TrashTalk: Sound Solutions for a Healthier Planet and People, offering waste-reduction tips on KCBS. Rosenberg was the first mainstream commercial broadcaster to recognize the need for mass media outlets to communicate the urgency and complexities of growing ecological challenges and to discuss solutions with exper
Union canvassers outside of the Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., last month.Credit.Bob Miller for The New York Times
To the Editor:
Amazon had its place during the pandemic for those lucky enough to be able to shelter in place and those who wanted to avoid being in public as much as possible. I bought everything clothes, dog food, toys on Amazon over the past year. But now that I’ve been vaccinated and feel comfortable going out in a mask, I’m committed to buying my items from a store.
I went to the local hardware store yesterday and there were most of the items I’d just ordered online. Not as many options (do I really need 100 options for measuring cups?), and maybe slightly more expensive. But the more we all buy from Amazon, the more powerful it becomes over its employees, the market and the consumers.
Part of the widespread problem stems from what MAZON called a “procedural barrier to assistance” for military families. Service members’ housing allowance is counted as revenue in determining their eligibility for food subsidy programs.
Junior enlisted military members are supporting families at higher rates than in the past. The MAZON report contends the Pentagon has not adequately adjusted base salary levels to reflect the modern military force.
“It is a persistent problem that is deliberately obfuscated and doesn’t receive nearly the attention it deserves,” Ms. Leibman said.
In the past year, COVID-19 also has worsened the issue for military families. Even before the pandemic struck, the unemployment rate for military spouses was 24 percent, far above the national average. Spouses also face other financial challenges such as frequent moves and finding affordable childcare, the authors noted.
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WASHINGTON, April 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Military servicemembers and their families make significant sacrifices for the United States, yet many regularly struggle to put food on the table, a
As demand at food banks remains at an all-time high amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report from
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger a national organization fighting to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds in the United States and Israel details the persistent food insecurity among currently serving military families. Drawing from decades-long expertise in the anti-hunger field, MAZON offers solutions to end military hunger in the report.