Shoshan’s Mission: From Students to Soldiers
Shoshan’s Mission: From Students to Soldiers
Former University of Georgia Hillel director transitions from guiding Jewish students in the trenches of college life to directing Southeast’s Friends of the Israel Defense Forces.
Roey Shoshan expects a short learning curve in his new position.
A genuine product of the Jewish Georgia organizational fabric over the past 10 years, Roey Shoshan has been selected to replace Seth Baron as director of the Southeast States Region of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces. Baron will step up to head the newly merged FIDF Eastern region. Shoshan just completed three years as Hillel director at the University of Georgia in Athens.
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Editor’s note: From time to time, The Conversation asks leaders in America’s colleges and universities to address some of the most pressing issues in our nation. Here we ask Earl Lewis, director and founder of the University of Michigan’s Center for Social Solutions, and Nancy Cantor, chancellor of Rutgers University – Newark, a diverse, urban public research university, about how numbers and statistics matter when examining institutional racism, the Capitol riot and Black Lives Matter.
How has media reporting on numbers and statistics affected the public’s view of race?
Nancy Cantor: Society’s accounting of the summer of 2020 through Inauguration Day 2021 demonstrates the hard way numbers play into a long-standing history of racism and white privilege. Some national leaders equated a crowd of mostly white Capitol Hill rioters to largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protests. Yet analyses show that the overall levels of violence and property destruction during BLM protes