you know who else liked to use that word? the ramones. great song. and the jew hating producer. that is true. he is a jew hating producer. also, greg, you said a recent poll claims that nearly 60% of americans are against the practice of granting automatic citizenship of people born here and jan brewer agrees. that s fine, one of the great things is that 60% of the people who can t do what they want to the other people. but the constitution is wrong or being miss interpreted. section one of the 14th amendment said, quote, all person persons born or naturalized in the united states are citizens of the united states and the state. when was that written? 1868, i believe. why was it written then? it doesn t matter. it says all persons. why did they say persons? if you want to change it, change the constitution. maybe we have to. that s what you need to do. conservatives are running