incredible. another thing i wanted to point out, all those frost advisories and freeze warnings that were in play across areas of the upper midwest, spanning back across the upper mississippi. well, we don t have those anymore. those are generally expired, but we ll see areas of frost again for tonight as we ll continue to see more cool air filtering in from neighboring canada. again, that jet stream plunging. more cool air in place, not just for areas across the upper mississippi and the upper midwest, but it s going to make it all the way down across the south, areas like charlotte and atlanta, anywhere from five to ten degrees below average through wednesday. alex. time to fire up the heater in some places. gives me goose bumps. thank you. in a moment the foreclosure fiascos. why have banks put a stop to evicting people who have stopped paying their mortgages? also ahead, why the bank bailout program will no longer shell out any more cash. we ll talk about it ahead on msn