Sibling to the Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble, this 1970s vintage stompbox kicks out a raw, raucous, perpetual motion-type effect that virtually takes over your instrument
Warm Audio WA-JP Jet Phaser Phaser Pedal
I can recall, back in the 1970s, lusting after the then newly released Roland Jet Phaser AP7. I was working in electronics at the time and had been trying to build my own phaser operated by a pedal rather than an LFO, in an attempt to emulate tape phasing (which had yet to be re‑christened ‘flanging’). To my young ears, the Roland Jet Phaser sounded so much richer and more exciting than my own efforts. Originals now cost an arm, a leg and probably at least one vital organ, so thankfully Warm Audio have come to the rescue: their new Jet Phaser is a recreation of the original. It’s slightly different, in that it adds true bypass, metal film resistors, film capacitors and a slightly different look courtesy of wooden end-cheeks, but in most respects authenticity is respected.