easy decision. as the man who had the president s ear from your mouth to the president-elect trump s ear. andy card, chief of staff of president bush. do you support donald trump s plan for extreme vetting of immigrants seeking entry to the u.s. the pulse is live on www.pulse.msnbc.com. you can weigh in on my twitter page. hit me up at ali velshi, should i stay or go. we ll be back in a little bit. let me tell you of what happened earlier. in new york, a jet blue passenger was kicked off a flight departing jfk airport. it was after reportedly confronting of a fellow passenger which just happened to be ivanka trump who was traveling with her family. kristen welker has details from west palm beach florida. reporter: good afternoon, details are coming in. here is what we know at this
position, and his only carry on, courage. red eye s hero of the month award goes to the flight uh 10 department who responded to a scuffle with a passenger exiting via the emergency slide and slid into bed with his lover. after a jet blue passenger ignored steven slater, seen here in the magical round circle which you can buy at any circle store anyway. that s his neck. ignored steven slater s order to remain sitting and accidentally hit the scam p in the head while attempting to dislodge hi lug luggage, something clicked and magic ensued. slater said to one and all, to the [bleep] why do i say the fing a-hole who told me to f-off it has been a good 28 years, i have had it. that s it. and with that he grabbed a beer, hit the emergency exit
overhaul are enough. political leaders were fully qualified to take his place. that s not fair to all those passed over, basically a theft from the utah elector rate. if he doesn t call it a career, the voters should end it for him. hatch is 83 and it s long been something the president does not want to see. very interesting. ahead a christmas scare for jet blue passenger, the flight doing a 180 after touchdown in h boston. now conditions might get even more dangerous for the rest of this year. forecast next. megan s a lawyer. when it comes to presenting evidence, nobody does it better. she s also this close to finding bigfoot. but when it comes to mortgages, she s less confident.