40 family activities for a rainy summer day
As we hold out for sunshine, fill your (wellie) boots with these at-home and outdoor pursuits and attractions around the country
11 July 2021 • 6:00am
From making an outdoor tent to scuba diving, we round up the very best way to entertain bored children (and restless parents)
Credit: Getty Images
Without wanting to give up on the Great British summer just yet, there is no denying that we have all spent a lot of time lately hoping for sun but expecting rain. Here are some ideas to provide inspiration and remind you that a rainy day doesn’t have to mean a boring one.
PLAN AHEAD: Smartphone photography
Smartphone photography
During this presentation, Jet will go through how she went from running her corporate and commercial
photography business to hanging up her DSLR and running smartphone photography masterclasses for both corporate clients and individuals. She will be talking about her inspiration for setting up Jet Black Squares, as well as giving some tips and tricks for getting the best out of the camera in your pocket, and finally doing some editing at the end. July 28, 11.30 pm. Sign up on www.allevents.in.
Nutritional cooking
Our digestive tract plays a crucial role in our health. It helps us digest and absorb the nutrients in our food, but it is also vital to our immune function, mood, and neurological health. When digestion isn’t working optimally, it can lead to uncomfortable digestive symptoms, fatigue, aches and pains, and more. So sign up for the delicious culinary nutrition experience titled