The city Redevelopment Authority/Land Bank is trying to hash out how it will proceed with housing development, and whether it will continue to seek an executive director to guide the process. A couple months ago, the organization received an unexpectedly high bid from the single contractor who responded to a request for proposals for renovation […]
3:54 PM April 6, 2021
People taking part in YMCA Norfolk s Sleep Out event were encouraged to sleep anywhere but their beds .
- Credit: Supplied by YMCA Norfolk
A virtual sleep out event has raised more than £5,000 in Norfolk.
YMCA Norfolk encouraged people to sleep anywhere but their beds on the last Friday in March, as part of a national effort to raise awareness of thousands of young people who lose their homes every year.
People taking part in YMCA Norfolk s Sleep Out event were encouraged to sleep anywhere but their beds .
- Credit: Supplied by YMCA Norfolk
The cash raised will go towards the charity s efforts to tackle the root causes of youth homelessness in the county.