The Mitchell Republic is publishing the ratings given by the National Rifle Association to candidates running for office in South Dakota so residents can see how their representatives in Pierre and Washington have voted on gun legislation.
Jessica Bahmuller Running for District 19 House Alexandria, SD Jessica Bahmuller, finance director for Alexandria, is running in the Republican primary for the opportunity to represent District 19 in the South Dakota House. “Growing up in rural South Dakota and being involved in 4-H and FFA, I realized the importance of community service and…
After the first 15 Districts, I had to take a break. mainly because I was hitting my work hours, and needed to actually do something. But, now that I'm past the appointed hours of my toils, and I'm the most boring person in the world on Friday night, time to get back to the list,…
This week, Drew Peterson of Salem has filed paperwork to form a Campaign Committee to run for District 19 House. And you may have heard of his campaign chairman: Outgoing House Majority Leader Kent Peterson is chairing the campaign committee for Drew Peterson, his brother, after Kent is barred in seeking another term as a…