December 11th, 2017. I am norman yee and i will chair this committee as soon as everyone is quiet. Thank you, very much. I am joined by supervisor jeff sheehy and ahsha safai. These are my Committee Members and today is ms. Linda the clerk is miss linda wong. The committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, jesse larson and i cannot read it. We record each of our meetings and make the transcripts Available Online madam clerk any announcements. Silence cellphones and Electronic Devices and completed speaker cards to be included as part of the file to be submitted to the clerk, thank you. Before we begin can we have a motion to excuse supervisor ma leah cohen and katie katy tang from this meeting. Motion passes. No object object. Madam clerk can you call item number one. Clerk declaring a homeless shelter emergency and authorize ing the direct offer public work to improve facilities and the director of the department of homelessness and support of housing to contract for
Ok, lets get started. Welcome to our special, special, special budget and finance Committee Meeting for monday, december 11th, 2017. I am norman yee and i will chair this committee as soon as everyone is quiet. Thank you, very much. I am joined by supervisor jeff sheehy and ahsha safai. These are my Committee Members and today is ms. Linda the clerk is miss linda wong. The committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, jesse larson and i cannot read it. We record each of our meetings and make the transcripts Available Online madam clerk any announcements. Silence cellphones and Electronic Devices and completed speaker cards to be included as part of the file to be submitted to the clerk, thank you. Before we begin can we have a motion to excuse supervisor ma leah cohen and katie katy tang from this meeting. Motion passes. No object object. Madam clerk can you call item number one. Clerk declaring a homeless shelter emergency and authorize ing the direct offer public work
Language is a [beep] show. Its hard to not think about what is happening on the other side of sixth street. The school is in crisis. We have one school in our district and talking about a new school is ridiculous to me. We had to get pinterest to pay for a second social worker because we have the highest number of homeless kids. 85 of middle schoolers were reading below grade levels. We know that means they will drop out and become incarcerated. For us, its a huger issue, instead of just what is happening in the footprint of this plan area, but we hope that some of this can reach over to the other side of 6th street. Park and rec in this plan, i frankly have more faith elsewhere than the soma plan. The rec center has not had hand towels since may. So there are issues when we talk about renovating the rec center and creating parks, what it means for now . How can we creep eight new when we dont take care of what we have . And i feel theres disproportionate investment in structures, not
Ok, lets get started. Welcome to our special, special, special budget and finance Committee Meeting for monday, december 11th, 2017. I am norman yee and i will chair this committee as soon as everyone is quiet. Thank you, very much. I am joined by supervisor jeff sheehy and ahsha safai. These are my Committee Members and today is ms. Linda the clerk is miss linda wong. The committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, jesse larson and i cannot read it. We record each of our meetings and make the transcripts Available Online madam clerk any announcements. Silence cellphones and Electronic Devices and completed speaker cards to be included as part of the file to be submitted to the clerk, thank you. Before we begin can we have a motion to excuse supervisor ma leah cohen and katie katy tang from this meeting. Motion passes. No object object. Madam clerk can you call item number one. Clerk declaring a homeless shelter emergency and authorize ing the direct offer public work
Saying that were missing our water, and that should have been taken care of 10, 20, 30 years ago. Are we building, flushing, watering our plants still with pure water. Supervisor kim, graduates of the Navigation Systems do better when theyre relocated outside of their environments. Theres districts that dont want the Navigation Systems. But they should be able to handle the graduates. We need a new, realistic housing policy for the people in San Francisco, from the seniors, that the steps in their homes, they cant navigate anymore, to the seniors on only social security. From the renters that are stuck in homes that they cant move out of until they die and they have to die before the property is sold. Reality check time. Happy recess. Councillor breed thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. If there are any other members that want to address the board, please step up. Come to the right side of the chamber. Im michael shane. Im here to address our concerns about the written f