Preble County Common Pleas Court hears drug cases
By Anthony Baker -
Preble County Common Pleas Court heard drug-related cases last week. Judge Stephen R. Bruns presided.
Anthony Baker | The Register-Herald
EATON Preble County Common Pleas Court heard several drug-related cases last week. Judge Stephen R. Bruns presided.
Clyde W. Miller, 38, of Eaton, was scheduled for sentencing on charges of possession of heroin and illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia. Miller failed to appear for his Jan. 5 hearing, however, resulting in a capias warrant being issued for his arrest.
According to a sentencing memorandum filed by the Preble County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the state suggested community control (probation) in the case, stating that Miller’s criminal history, though indicative of a drug problem, was not extensive enough to warrant incarceration.