The team will compete at the FIRST World Championship taking place April 16-21 in Houston, Texas, the team’s first invite to a world competition since robotics started in Cass Lake-Bena in 2012.
The Northern Minnesota Robotics Conference recently recognized its 2022 Annual Awards recipients, which included Caraira Jensen from Cass Lake-Bena High School’s Accelerators team, who was named “Team Member of the Year.” Tami Liberty of Red Lake High School’s Ogichidaag team also received “Coach of the Year.”
The Red Lake Ogichidaag, team No. 7235 alongside coach Sandy Ketterling, will represent Red Lake. Team No. 3134, or the Accelerators, and team No. 3275, the Regulators, alongside coach Jesse Frost will represent Cass Lake-Bena.