Woolwich voters will be asked to raise $20,142 to donate to area non-profit organizations. The requests which are grouped together in one article will be taken up by voters at the April 27 annual town meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 27 at.
Woolwich voters took 90 minutes Wednesday night to approve a $2.2 million budget at their annual town meeting. The gathering at Woolwich Central School marked the return of the annual meeting from Saturday back to mid-week. The budget approved.
PHIL DI VECE News Contributor Tue, 04/06/2021 - 8:30am
The Woolwich select board on Monday declined Bath Area Food Bank’s request to increase the town’s 2021-22 contributions from $1,000 to $1,500. In the request, food bank officials stated their client visits have doubled this past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Woolwich residents have visited the food bank 175 times, they noted.
David King Sr., select board chairman, recommended keeping all donations at the same amount as last year. All of those were approved by voters at the 2020 annual town meeting.
“We adopted a policy of freezing charitable donations a number of years ago,” he said. He added, selectmen could change this if they so desired.