Just days after a Egypt brokered truce ended three days of violence between Israel and Islamic Jihad militants in the densely populated Palestinian enclave of Gaza, a "terror attack in the Old City" has left seven people injured.
A shooting incident on a bus in Jerusalem's Old City early Sunday (August 14) injured seven people, two of whom were critically injured, reported AFP, citing Israeli police and medics.
"The police were informed of a shooting of a bus . Police have cordoned off the scene and are searching for a suspect who fled," the police said.
Fresh clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound injured 12 people on Friday, the Palestinian Red Crescent said, following weeks of violence at the flashpoint site.
At least 31 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli police at Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem on Friday, Palestinian medics said, the latest outbreak in a recent upsurge of violence at a site revered by Muslims and Jews alike.
Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem since 15 April, when Israeli police raided one of the. 18.04.2022, Sputnik International
Senin 19 Jul 2021 09:15 WIB
Rep: Fergi Nadira/ Red: Teguh Firmansyah
FILE - Dalam foto arsip 18 Juni 2021 ini, pasukan keamanan Israel mengambil posisi selama bentrokan dengan warga Palestina di depan Masjid Kubah Batu di kompleks Masjid Al Aqsa di Kota Tua Yerusalem. Warga Palestina dan pemukim Yahudi saling melemparkan batu, kursi, dan kembang api semalaman di lingkungan Yerusalem yang tegang di mana kelompok pemukim berusaha mengusir beberapa keluarga Palestina, kata para pejabat Selasa, 22 Juni. Foto: AP/Mahmoud Illean
Bentrokan singkat sempat pecah antara polisi Israel dan jamaah di Al-Aqsa. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YERUSALEM Bentrokan singkat meletus antara polisi Israel dan warga Palestina di masjid Al-Aqsa menyusul kunjungan orang-orang Yahudi ke kompleks tersebut, Ahad (18/7) waktu setempat. Tidak ada cedera serius yang dilaporkan dalam insiden itu.