had. will that play into court at all? it s interesting you say that. even in the first season, when they were trying to furnish their house she was buying furniture with cash, $120,000 she had in cash in her hand. one example of the opulent lifestyle they put on television. the show doesn t have anything directly to do with the case. both sides are aware of everything shown on the air. their attorney told me after their last court appearance that he was concerned about sh show leading to any bias against his client. we could see clips from the show appear in the courtroom, though. and i have to say, though, this court case hasn t really helped bravo s rating because the jersey housewife numbers are down a little bit from last season. that s a shame. i shouldn t say that. i m not a fan of the housewife show. i am a fan of the housewife show and you hate to see this.