The Shahid Kapoor starrer Jersey crashing at the box office has led to film director Ram Gopal Varma making some interesting observations on Bollywood movies. As usual, taking to his favourite platform on social media, the maverick director took a dig at Bollywood movies and released a series of Tweets. Hindi film Jersey starring Shahid Kapoor and Mrinal Thakur, was released
Shahid Kapoor s Jersey falls for KGF: Chapter 2: KGF: Chapter 2 had a sensational start all over and the film is raking massive revenues in its second weekend. The film had a stupendous run in the country and the film overperformed in North India.
Shahid Kapoor's Jersey has received positive responses from both critics and the crowd. The audience praised Shahid Kapoor's performance as Arjun and where he demonstrated his ability to sink into any given character. Jersey is a sports drama written and directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri which marks his Hindi directorial debut in the remake of his 2019 Telugu film of the same