MIAMI – 2020 has been a crazy year for the aviation industry. Massive news was constantly being announced from January onward, and our team of writers were hard at work covering all the content. Writers also had the freedom to work on projects expanding beyond news and developed interesting and informative articles.
Today, we will take a look back at the top 10 articles of 2020. These articles were selected based on creativity, writing and the featured news. I do wish the list could be longer to showcase all of the amazing articles from this year, but we had to narrow it down to a select few.
mix, energy secretary steven chu s testimony on his department s spending request for next year. the administration is asking for nearly $30 billion, a 12% increase. the energy department budget request includes increased funding for renewable power projects and for communities that invest in the electric vehicle infrastructure. this is an hour and a half. good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the energy and water subcommittee s budget hearing on the department of energy s fiscal year 12 budget request. the doe is requested 30.5 billion for fiscal year 2012. that s an increase of 4.8 billion or 19% from fiscal year 2011. about 1.1 billion of the $4.8 billion increase, or 25%, is for the national nuclear security administration s nuclear weapons for non-proliferation and naval reactor programs. this subcommittee has already explored em nsa s budget request with the administrator two weeks ago. the rest of the increases for energy efficiency and renewable energ
[inaudible conversations] good morning. welcome to the heritage foundation. director of lectures and seminars, it s my privilege to welcome everyone to wear louis lamé not a taurean and those who joined us on each occasion. we ask if they would make the last courtesy check that cell phones have been turned off. we will of course post the program within 24 hours on her website for everyone s future reference. posting our discussion this morning is michael frank. mr. frank is vice president for government studies here at heritage. he oversees or reshoot capitol hill and the executive branch. he served as heritage director of congressional relations as well as having served for director to medication for former house minority leader dick armey. he also served in the office of national drug control policy and of the legislative counsel for then represented william dannemeyer california for returning here to heritage to work
i don t know how you can live with yourself concord not you do in the wrong thing. you know what you did. just to the right thing come forward this matter if you re in jail for the rest of your life. i don t hate to live with yourself. anybody that has a child or any empathy up just five minutes drop in the for football drop any put your hands together for my daughter and pray for her life. jerry shaw said her daughter had severe head injuries as well as fractures were appalled as companies and back. she is responding to treatment although she is not regained consciousness since the accident the vehicle in this case is described as a late model grey or silver toyota camry. high-school students and else read zero or mourning the loss of a classmate, 16 year-old shawn was fatally shot last night outside of his grandmother s home. richmond police arrested two juvenile the one adult in connection with a homicide just hours after happened. high school students gathered today t