Emails in a separate investigation of anthony weiner, the estranged husband of a top clinton made. Of whether clinton mishandle classified information by using a private emails ever. Now in a letter to Top Republicans based on our real, we have not change our conclusion that we expressed in july. Clinton campaign is happy with the outcome. We have seen director call me his latest letter to the hill. We are glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he wasnt, that he has confirmed the conclusions that he reached in july and we are glad that this matter is resolved. Donald trump has not yet rightly commented on the news. He did say today, clinton is being protected by a rigged system. Meanwhile in the final push for the white house. Donald trump is campaigning in pennsylvania right now. One of five states he will visit today. Tomorrow. Late last night he ended the day with a latenight stop in denver. Some supporters waited five hours to see him. Trump encouraged people to d
Good morning, libertarians. [applause] it is 9 45. The Libertarian National convention will come back to order. First item on the agenda, the Credentials Committee reports. Good morning. Thank you mr. Chairman. We have sent to the secretary a list of names of voting members of the convention and their alternates who have been registered up until 9 12 this morning. There are 911 delegates. 6 alternates a total of 931 votes. Form equals 373 and majority is for 66, two thirds is 621, and 815. S i move the revised role of delegates submitted be the official role of voting members of this convention. All those in favor of that motion please say i. Opposed say no. Thank you. Additionally, we have a thens to the lifts lists from states and the Credentials Committee has found these people eligible to vote. I move that chad carlton be added as a missouri delegate, emily church as a missouri alternate, Ashley Lewandowski as a kansas delegate and marcus lopez as a live data as a nevada delegate.
my honorable friend my honorable friend s support for the reforms is hugely welcomed and i know he follows these issues very closely. and it wasn t just he that welcomed the speech that i set out yesterday, also, i had expressed support from the royal college of nurses and royal colleg of nurses, the miller cancer sponsor and breakthrough supporters. and professional bodies in the health service whokz that this government is listening, is getting its changes right and will add the money that s required that only we are committed to with the reforms that are necessary to make sure that the nhs can go on and thrive in the future. ian timing, the efforts and the monday so as we can get to the truth and find out how those two police officers were dastardly murdered? well, i will certainly look very carefully at the issue that the honorable gentleman raises. there are still on all sides in northern ireland and indeed in the republic huge concern about things that happened