legal institutions? i have a problem with the president s working group and i hope that it would be put out of existence. it is not in sync with our system to allow big corporations to circumvent the democratic limits placed on individuals. i would invite you to consider the difference between the democratic model of someone like the fdic when they are regulating little banks, but and bondholders and shareholders to the sword every day, at least every friday. . i don t want to see any more regulatory lawyers put on our system. i have two basic suggestions and i have said in the past. first, anything that is sold to a bank or pension fund has to be registered with the sec and i mean really registered, no more private placements. what that does is that it is available to retail. the lawyers and the banks will not let them go beyond a certain amount of complected because they will get sued for it we don t need more regulation. the trial lawyers will do nicely. you force wall s