as the jury believed, was very overwhelming and too much to overcome. we also heard some pretty alarming statements coming from one of sandusky s lawyers today about their preparedness, their effort to be removed from the case and that and what the judge s response to all of that was even though it continued on. tell us more about that. reporter: that s right. well, for the longest time, time and again, leading up to this case going to trial the lawyers for jerry sandusky wanted more time, more time, more time to push it back and this case did go to trial very quickly. normally it takes a year, this was a matter of months. each time they were turned down. now they are revealing for the first time that literally on the day before the trial began they went to the judge yet again and told them it would be unethical for them to go forward and they asked to get out of the case, to quit representing jerry sandusky, but the judge, again, told them no and they said we were forc
relieved. as strong and as overwhelming as the evidence was, i was terrified that there would be either an acquittal or a hung jury because i didn t want him back. and i didn t want this sort of circus. i mean, we need to move on. we need some sort of realization that the word guilty, that puts a label on what all of this is. and she also added this. she said that she believes that dottie sandusky, jerry sandusky s wife is in denial about what has happened here. as we know, fred, this is something we ve been hearing from a lot of people, but dottie sandusky throughout has stood by and defended her husband. so, susan, as a neighbor did she say that over a period of time she ever suspected anything was going on in that household or did she ever suspect this kind of abuse, now proven abuse by the hands of sandusky? reporter: no indication of that at all, but it is something that once the allegations came out that she was very suspicious of this and wanted to see what the