Letter: Depot grateful for first annual Depot Dip supporters
April 15, 2021
To the Editor:
A big thank you to everyone that had a part in our first annual “Depot Dip into Spring” this past Sunday. We especially want to shout out a big thank you to our sponsors: Cappy and Chichi Mayhew, 1020 Post, Darien Sport Shop, Barrett Bookstore, Inner Light Wellness, Four Forks, Michael Joseph’s, and Spa Grace. We appreciate your generous donations very much.
We would like to thank Chief Todd Deklyn, Firefighters/Paramedics Matt Lucero and Mike Czegledi from the Rowayton Fire Departments, Greg Karas from Darien Fire Department, and Officer Jeremy Salley of the Norwalk Police Department for keeping us all safe; the Darien Youth Commission for providing and serving up the steaming hot chocolate and Heights Pizza for supplying the “nutrients.”