trail so we ll see how this week goes. indeed we will. all right. kelly, phil, jeremy, thank you all very much for starting us off tonight. coming up, the rhetoric over race grows even more divisive and it s making some of president trump s supporters even more loyal. our political experts will be here to weigh in on the potential consequences. plus, biden s blunders on the campaign trail. president trump already taking note. trail president trump already taking note limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let s go. limu s right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh. yeah, i ve been a customer for years. huh. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else.
culture and replacing it with a new, foreign culture. this is not migrants coming into the country. this is nothing short of an invasion. democrats who want to replace you, the american voters, with newly amnesty d citizens. jeremy, what did you find when you lined it up with what we heard from the gunman? i think this is really an example of how words on their own can speak volumes. when you take the el paso shooter s manifesto and you lie it side by side with the transcripts from fox news shows, from rush limbaugh s program, from other various conservative news outlets, you see a remarkable degree of overlap in terms of the dehumanizing and demonizing language that they use to describe immigrants. they re called invaders. they are treated like a hostile enemy force. something that, in the words of anne coulter could be shot.
win majority support in this country. certainly it s also starting to have jeremy peters real world consequences as you point out in a story that helps us explore even further this thesis that ashley and phil have in the washington post. you found a real connection between the words that are being used among the president s supporters particularly and conservative media and what showed up in that manifesto that is linked to the alleged gunman in the el paso shooting. we pulled together, or i should say the new york times video team pulled together some examples of this to underscore your reporting. let s show that and then i ll ask you about it. we re being invaded. the invasion of illegal immigrants. the fact of the matter is this is an attempted invasion of our country. you have all these minors from central america flooding the border. multi culturalism isn t real. this is really destroying one