The assassination of Chief Hole-in-the-Day the Younger occurred on June 27, 1868, or 154 years ago to the day on Monday the 27th. Hole-in-the-Day the Younger became chief of the Mississippi band of Ojibwe after the death of his father, Bagone-giizhig the Elder.
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) The latest economic outlook report for North Dakota is showing continued improvement for 2022, despite a national economy that shrank in the first quarter and is showing signs of entering a recession.
(Bismarck, ND) A new report shows that North Dakota's economy is expected to grow this year, despite talk of a nationwide recession. The model outlined in the North Dakota State University report uses trends that follow historical data which indicate growth in wages, salaries, the labor force, and the growth state product. Professor of Economics at NDSU Dr. Jeremy Jackson