Arrest Summary Aug. 16-31 Jared Laurance Hiller, 34, failure to appear on theft charge. Dirk Randolph Burr, 44, drove under revocation – habitual, operated an uninsured vehicle on a roadway, vehicle had only one plate. Dennis Michael Pyles, 64, third-degree assault. Casey Jo Nordby, 45, failure to appear on two charges of dangerous drugs. Katherine […]
Arrest Summary Aug. 1-15 Faith Dawn Ishmael, 47, domestic violence, harassment. Christopher David Pacheco, 28, first-degree introduction of contraband, second-degree assault. Cody Daniel Rotthoff, 25, first-degree criminal trespass, possession of drug paraphernalia. Jacob Anthony Speer, 37, warrants for violation of a protection order, disorderly conduct, possession of a controlled substance, DUI, failure to display insurance, […]