whoever the nominee ends up being, if it s donald trump, that means he will have to back donald trump. greg, i appreciate it. i m always grateful for the amount of detail that you have in your head, and the way you make that so accessible to. us greg bluestein a political reporter for the atlanta journal-constitution newspaper. he is an msnbc contributor. is also the author of the book flipped, how georgia tech purple, and broke the monopoly on republican power. purple, ani am joined now by jer rubin, opinion writer for the washington post, and also msnbc political analyst. she is the author of the important book, resistance, how women save democracy from donald trump. jennifer, good morning. good to see you. you wrote an opinion piece that caught my attention in the post earlier this week in which you wrote about the distinction between the enactments, i carry this with me everywhere i go, the jack smith indictment and the phone with us indictment. which you say whereas smith chose