28/01/2022 - In its eighth year, the financial initiative has again broken success records by increasing its number of international participants as well as that of film projects taking advantage of it
VILNIUS: Filmmakers saw a successful year with more than 15 m EUR collected by taking advantage of the Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive in 2021. The Film.
28/01/2022 - Alla sua ottava edizione, l'iniziativa finanziaria ha nuovamente battuto il record aumentando il numero dei progetti cinematografici che ne beneficiano e dei partecipanti internazionali
28/01/2022 - In its eighth year, the financial initiative has again broken success records by increasing its number of international participants as well as that of film projects taking advantage of it
The Film Tax Incentive running in Lithuania for the 9th year has yet again broken the records of success – in 2021 the investment has grown significan.