We sat down with a Fort-Worth based past president of the Texas Optometry Association to find out.
By Will Maddox
Published in
Healthcare Business
April 28, 2021
3:00 pm
Texas optometrists are advocating for a change to the rules that govern their profession during this year’s legislative session. The new laws would allow optometrists to take on some minor surgeries that were previously the responsibility of ophthalmologists.
Proponents say the law is about expanding access and allowing patients to be treated by the optometrist that they already know. What’s more, nearly every adjacent state to Texas allows optometrists to do these procedures already, sucking practitioners away from the state where many of them are trained. Opponents of the twin Texas House and Senate bills say that the laws allow those without proper training to take on procedures for which they are ill-prepared.
Posted4/5/2021 5:30 AM
Some examples of problems suburban voters might encounter at the polls Tuesday: language barriers, difficulties in registering to vote as newly naturalized citizens, or feeling intimidated on the way to cast their ballot.
That s according to Jenny Terrell, program counsel for the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, a nonpartisan lawyers group part of a national Election Protection coalition devoted to ensuring all eligible voters have an equal opportunity to vote.
Local elections take place Tuesday for municipalities, school boards, library boards and other local government bodies throughout the suburbs and most of Illinois. The committee will have volunteers staffing hotlines from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. helping voters in English, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese.