Atlantic City Police Department is investigating a video of a traffic stop surfaced on facebook. Facebook user showout ofg posted this video to his page with the caption, acpd, atlantic City Police Department, Police Harassment hashtag share. The video gins in the middle of the conversation between driver, passenger and unidentified k9 Atlantic City officer. Im not trying to get you the officer responds there are two ways this can go. Take the phone and stick it out of my face. Im not committing no crime. Dont worry about it. Reporter the two ways, you can hear clearly. Go two ways, you fraud the [ bleep ] out, the 90 pound doberman is going to rip the [ bleep ] out of you. If the handgun disappeared. Im going to knock you the [ bleep ] out. The back and forth doesnt end there. Im going to drag you out of the window. Just be quiet, sir. Reporter and adds he has no problem fighting the men in the car. Im not disrespecting you. I got no problem, you want to frog, step out and well bang.