Dane Co. law enforcement agencies commit to hiring 30% sworn female officers by 2030
May 4, 2021 11:52 AM Jamie Perez
MADISON, Wis. As part of his final efforts as Dane County Sheriff, Dave Mahoney is paving the way for several other law enforcement agencies to join the nationwide 30×30 initiative.
The initiative attempts to advance the representation of women in law enforcement. According to research presented on the 30×30 website, women make up only 12% of sworn officers and 3% of police leadership in the U.S. The website also cites research showing that women are less likely to use excessive force, are named in fewer complaints and lawsuits, are perceived by communities as being more compassionate and honest, make fewer arrests (especially when it comes to communities of color) and see better outcomes for crime victims (particularly in sexual assault cases).